In Celebration
Our “In Celebration” section is the place for nostalgia and reminiscing.
It’s dedicated to all the grandmothers who have given (and continue to give) us with wonderful memories of Sunday dinners, simpler times, good recipes, and recollections of our family roots.
Culled from your photos, stories, and recipes, we invite you here to have a look at the Grandmas we celebrate. A little grandma for everyone.
The images below are a tribute to the memory of Joe’s mom and his two grandmothers.
Click here to read your stories and see photos of all the grandmothers we remember. Find out how to submit your own stories and photos!
Joe’s paternal grandmother, Ethel Maude Williame
Joe’s maternal grandmother, Dominica (Geto)
Joe’s maternal grandmother, Dominica (Geto)
Dominica with Joe’s sister Marianna, and Joe’s mom, Maria
Joe’s mom, Maria
Joe’s mom, Maria
Continue on to read about more grandmothers….
Posted on December 12, 2024 - by Enoteca
Hours for Enoteca !
Our hours of operation are: Friday, Saturday & Sunday open at 12:30 pm Our seatings are 12:30pm, 2:30pm, 5:30pm, and 7:30pm Thank you! Nonnas of The World 718-447-2777 WhatsApp 917-803-1394
Posted on December 18, 2021 - by Enoteca
Enoteca Maria Featured in Short Film Series: NYC Overcoming
Enoteca Maria has been featured in NYC Overcoming, a series of 5 short films packaged into a 1-hour special from Harlem-based production company Firelight Films, helmed by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Stanley Nelson. This documentary aims to celebrate the efforts of the nightlife, hospitality, and entertainment communities throughout the five boroughs as they recover from pandemic […]