Enoteca Galleria
Now showing in our restaurant
Brendan Coyle

R, G, Bree
Brendan Coyle is a multimedia and multigenre artist currently based in Richmond, VA where he went to art school prior to his 12 years living in New York. He is known in Staten Island for founding a grass roots organization that has become a time-honored tradition of monthly gallery exhibitions known as Second Saturdays. The scope of Coyle’s artwork includes narrative themes that play out as a mythology pieced together by sculptures, comics and performance art. He has done multimedia installations and experiments with video projections, but also toils over highly detailed works of sculpture in traditional materials such as wax and clay and often using modern debris as a cumulative material.
The artwork you see on the walls of Enoteca Maria is of another experimental camp known as glitch art. They are prints that capture the erosion of a digital image. They are created by layering the effects of apps that sort the pixels of a given image in different ways, creating an array of chaotic remixes of the original image. The original images that these canvas prints come from are also other works of art: an oil-painted portrait of a muse, and a close-up of a small figurine that is self-portrait-as-comic-book-character. The images are new works, but also a conceptual look at the documentation of art, and of anything that people now choose to document and, through filters and design motifs, improve upon, crystallizing the memory of the original thing, and perhaps elevating it. The use of a glitch as such a filter refers to the entropy of the real thing as its copy takes on a new life. Evolution and its apocryphal linkage to human progress is a continuous theme in all of Coyle’s work, but the conceptual and moral quandaries addressed therein rarely compromise the artistic effort to create a new thing of beauty. Â

Mustard Man
At Enoteca Maria, we welcome artists from the North Shore and other parts of Staten Island to bring their art to our table. We’re devoting a space just for you, to feature a selection of art work each month in our virtual gallery…Enoteca Galleria.
We invite you to submit a series of three to five images of your work: (photographs or images of your paintings, drawings, sculptures, metal work, or files of your graphic design.
Please email (content at enotecamaria dot com) your selections, along with your name, location, and web address (if available).
Submission guidlines: .jpg or .png, 72dpi, max width 750 pixels, max height 500 pixels.
All images remain in the copyright of the artist and are used by permission.
There is no fee for entry or compensation for use.
Artists whose images are selected for the gallery will be notified by email.
Posted on December 12, 2024 - by Enoteca
Hours for Enoteca !
Our hours of operation are: Friday, Saturday & Sunday open at 12:30 pm Our seatings are 12:30pm, 2:30pm, 5:30pm, and 7:30pm Thank you! Nonnas of The World 718-447-2777 WhatsApp 917-803-1394
Posted on December 18, 2021 - by Enoteca
Enoteca Maria Featured in Short Film Series: NYC Overcoming
Enoteca Maria has been featured in NYC Overcoming, a series of 5 short films packaged into a 1-hour special from Harlem-based production company Firelight Films, helmed by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Stanley Nelson. This documentary aims to celebrate the efforts of the nightlife, hospitality, and entertainment communities throughout the five boroughs as they recover from pandemic […]